Main Pixie Configuration
* Image or pixie state that should be loaded into editor with initial load. Will accept url or image/state data.
image?: string|HTMLImageElement;
* Whether images loaded into pixie will be hosted on another domain from where pixie is hosted.
crossOrigin?: boolean;
* Opens new empty canvas at specified size. Alternative to image or pixie state.
blankCanvasSize?: {width: number; height: number};
* Adds specified text as watermark on downloaded or exported image.
watermarkText?: string;
* Maximum memory pixie will use when applying filters.
textureSize?: number;
* From where should pixie assets be loaded.
baseUrl?: string;
ui?: {
* Whether pixie should be visible initially.
visible: boolean;
* Pixie theme that should be used by default.
defaultTheme: string,
* Whether inline or overlay mode should be used.
mode: EditorMode,
* Whether user should be able to close editor while in overlay mode.
allowEditorClose?: boolean,
* Width of pixie editor in pixels or percentages.
width?: string,
* Height of pixie editor in pixels or percentages.
height?: string,
* Whether compact mode should be used initially.
* Compact mode will activate automatically if there is not enough screen space.
compact?: boolean,
* When enabled, keyboard on mobile devices will not push pixie up on the screen.
ignoreMobileKeyboard?: boolean;
* When user clicks on "save" button, show panel where image format, name and quality can be selected before download.
showExportPanel?: boolean,
* Preset colors that will be shown in pixie color widgets.
colorPresets?: {
* Lists of colors in hex or rgba format.
items: string[],
* Whether default pixie colors should be overwritten with specified ones.
replaceDefault: boolean,
* Navigation bar configuration.
nav: {
* At which predefined position should navigation bar be displayed.
position: NavPosition,
* Whether specified navigation items should replace default ones.
replaceDefault?: boolean,
* What Items should be shown in the navigation bar.
items: NavItem[],
* If not image or state is loaded into pixie, this panel can be opened to allow
* user to select from sample images, upload new image, or enter blank canvas size.
openImageDialog?: {
* Whether this panel should be shown.
show: boolean,
* Sample images that user should be able to pick from.
sampleImages?: SampleImage[],
* Toolbar appearance and items configuration.
toolbar?: {
* Whether toolbar should be visible.
hide?: boolean,
* What items should appear on the left side of toolbar.
leftItems?: ToolbarItem[];
* Which items should appear in toolbar center.
centerItems?: ToolbarItem[];
* Which items should appear on the right side of toolbar.
rightItems?: ToolbarItem[];
* Localization configuration.
languages?: {
* Currently active language for the editor.
active: string,
* List of custom language objects.
custom?: {[key: string]: {[key: string]: string}[]},
* On "save" button click pixie will automatically send image data to specified url.
saveUrl?: string;
* Called when image is saved via save button, export panel or pixie API.
onSave?: Function;
* Called when pixie editor is fully loaded.
onLoad?: Function;
* Called when editor is closed (via pixie API or close button click)
onClose?: Function;
* Called when editor is opened (via pixie API or custom open button)
onOpen?: Function;
* Called whenever a new file (image or state) is opened via file picker.
onFileOpen?: Function;
* Called when main image is loaded (or changed) in the editor.
onMainImageLoaded?: Function;
* Google Fonts API key for font selector.
googleFontsApiKey?: string;
tools?: {
* Filter tool configuration.
filter?: {
* Whether specified filters should replace default ones.
replaceDefault?: boolean,
* Filters that should be shown in filter panel.
items: string[],
* Resize tool configuration.
resize?: {
* Minimum width user should be able to resize image to.
minWidth?: number;
* Maximum width user should be able to resize image to.
maxWidth?: number;
* Minimum height user should be able to resize image to.
minHeight?: number;
* Maximum height user should be able to resize image to.
maxHeight?: number;
crop?: {
* Initial aspect ratio for cropzone.
defaultRatio?: string,
* Whether user should be able to manually enter cropzone width and height.
hideCustomControls?: boolean,
* Whether built-in cropzone aspect ratios should be overwritten with specified ones.
replaceDefaultPresets?: boolean,
* Custom cropzone aspect ratios.
presets: {ratio: string, name: string}[],
* Cropzone appearance and functionality configuration.
cropZone?: {
* Whether cropzone should be selectable by clicking on it.
selectable: boolean,
* Whether cropzone can be moved horizontally.
lockMovementX: boolean,
* Whether cropzone can be moved vertically.
lockMovementY: boolean,
* Whether cropzone's width can changed by dragging its left or right side.
lockScalingX: boolean,
* Whether cropzone's height can changed by dragging its top or bottom.
lockScalingY: boolean,
* Whether cropzone's size can be changed by dragging its corners.
lockUniScaling: boolean,
* Whether corner handles for changing cropzone size are visible.
hasControls: boolean,
* Whether cropzone borders are visible.
hasBorders: boolean,
* Draw tool configuration.
draw: {
* Whether default brush sizes should be replaced.
replaceDefaultBrushSizes?: boolean,
* Whether default brush types should be replaced.
replaceDefaultBrushTypes?: boolean,
* Brush sizes that user should be able to pick from.
brushSizes: number[],
* Brush types that user should be able to pick from.
brushTypes: string[],
text?: {
* Whether default fonts should be replaced with specified custom ones.
replaceDefaultItems?: boolean,
* Text that should be added by default when clicking on "add text" button.
defaultText?: string,
* Initially selected category in font picker.
defaultCategory?: string,
* Custom fonts that should be shown in font picker.
items?: FontItem[],
frame?: {
* Whether default frames should be replaced with specified custom ones.
replaceDefault?: boolean,
* Custom frames that user should be able to add to the image.
items?: Frame[],
shapes?: {
* Whether default shapes should be replaced with specified custom ones.
replaceDefault?: boolean,
* Custom shapes that user should be able to add to the image.
items?: BasicShape[],
stickers?: {
* Whether default sticker categories should be replaced with specified custom ones.
replaceDefault?: boolean,
* Custom sticker categories and their stickers that should appear in stickers panel.
items?: StickerCategory[],
import?: {
* File extensions user should be able to select when opening new image.
validExtensions?: string[],
* Maximum file size when opening new image or state file.
maxFileSize?: number; // in bytes
* Whether new image overlays should be automatically resized to fit available canvas space.
fitOverlayToScreen?: boolean;
* When user drags image from desktop onto pixie, should that image be opened as background or overlay.
openDroppedImageAsBackground?: boolean;
export?: {
* Which format should images be downloaded in by default.
defaultFormat: 'png'|'jpeg'|'json',
* What compression level should be applied to downloaded images. 0 to 1.
defaultQuality: number,
* Default file name for downloaded images.
defaultName: string,
zoom?: {
* Whether user should be able to manually zoom in and out via toolbar buttons.
allowUserZoom?: boolean;
* Whether new image should be automatically zoomed so it fits into available screen space.
fitImageToScreen?: boolean;
* Whether user should be able to zoom out below original image size.
disableMinimumZoom?: boolean;
* Default styles and behaviour for various objects in pixie.
objectDefaults?: {
* Styles and behaviour for all objects.
global?: ObjectDefaults;
* Styles and behaviour for new basic shapes (circle, triangle etc.)
basicShape?: ObjectDefaults;
* Styles and behaviour for new stickers.
sticker?: ObjectDefaults;
* Styles and behaviour for text added to image via pixie.
text?: ObjectDefaults;
Navigation Item Configuration (For ui.nav.items option above)
NavItem {
* unique identifier for this navigation item.
name?: string;
* Human readable name for this navigation item.
display_name?: string;
* Action to perform when this nav item is clicked. Either name of panel to open or custom function.
action?: Function|DrawerName;
* Name or url of icon for this navigation item.
icon?: string;
* Whether this item is navigation button or separator.
type?: 'button'|'separator';
ToolbarItem {
* Whether this item should be shown when editor is in compact mode.
showInCompactMode?: boolean;
* Whether this item should only be shown when editor is in compact mode.
compactModeOnly?: boolean;
* Type for this toolbar item.
type: 'button'|'zoomWidget'|'undoWidget'|'panelNameWidget'|'image';
* Url for image when toolbar item type is set to "image".
src?: string;
* Icon that should be shown for this item.
icon?: string;
* Text that should be shown for this item.
text?: string;
* Action that should be performed when user clicks on this item.
action?: ToolbarItemAction;
* List of dropdown menu items that will be shown when this button is clicked.
dropdownItems?: {label: string, action: ToolbarItemAction}[];
* Left margin for this toolbar in pixels.
marginLeft?: string;
* Right margin for this toolbar in pixels.
marginRight?: string;
* Condition that must be true for this item to show. Accepts config key and value.
* For example: {'tools.zoom.allowUserZoom': true}
condition?: {[key: string]: string|boolean};
Object Defaults Configuration (For and other options above)
ObjectDefaults {
* Whether object resize handles should be solid or not.
transparentCorners?: boolean;
* Whether object can be resized via corner handle (will change object aspect ratio).
lockUniScaling?: boolean;
* Whether resize handles should be hidden when object is being dragged. 0 to 1.
borderOpacityWhenMoving?: number;
* Whether resize handles should be round or square.
cornerStyle?: 'circle'|'rect';
* Color for resize handles.
cornerColor?: string;
* Color for border of resize handles.
cornerStrokeColor?: string;
* Size for border of resize handles.
cornerSize?: number;
* Object border color.
stroke?: string;
* Object border width.
strokeWidth?: number;
* Default object background color.
fill?: string;
* Default align for text added via pixie.
textAlign?: 'initial'|'left'|'center'|'right'|'justify'|'justify-left'|'justify-center'|'justify-right';
* Whether text should have an underline.
underline?: false;
* Whether text should have a strikethrough line.
linethrough?: false;
* Default font style for text added via pixie.
fontStyle?: 'normal'|'italic'|'oblique';
* Default font family for text added via pixie.
fontFamily?: 'Times New Roman';
* Default font weight text added via pixie.
fontWeight?: 'bold'|'normal'|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900;
ToolbarItemAction = Function|'openBackgroundImage'|'openOverlayImage'|'openStateFile'|'exportImage'|'toggleHistory'|'toggleObjects'|'closeEditor';
Sample Image Configuration (ui.openImageDialog.sampleImages)
SampleImage {
* Url to sample image or state file.
url: string;
* Action that should be performed when user clicks on this image.
action?: Function;
* Url to preview image for this sample.
thumbnail?: string;